Website Design Inspiration What You Can Try 

Website Design Inspiration What You Can Try 

Website design inspiration is a great way to get some ideas when you’re stuck, or just looking for some new ideas. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the best websites out there for getting inspired, finding different themes that might work in your design, and learning about how other people approach their own website designs. 

Website Design Inspiration Minimalistic

Minimalism is a website design inspiration trend that is characterized by the use of clean and simple designs. Minimalistic designs are often white or black and may use a single color, gradient, or texture to create visual interest. Minimalistic websites typically use larger fonts and fewer graphics than their counterparts; however, this can vary depending on the overall theme of your website design inspiration. 

Website Design Inspiration Fixed Header

A fixed header is a great way to make your site stand out from the crowd. However, it’s not always appropriate for every website design inspiration. Here are some factors that can help you decide whether this design is right for you: 

  • Is your site primarily text-based? A fixed header works best on sites with minimal visual content and lots of text like blogs or news websites (for example, [The New York Times] ( On e-commerce sites, however, where there are lots of images and videos as well as large amounts of copy, having a fixed header would make it difficult for visitors who want to scroll down through all their options without getting distracted by other elements first–so this option isn’t ideal for those kinds of sites either! 
  • Is this an app rather than an actual website? Apps have very different requirements than traditional websites do since they need space both above AND below their main navigation menus in order to accommodate buttons such as “back”/”home” buttons along with other functionality like search bars and dropdowns which aren’t possible within a browser window’s limited dimensions alone; therefore, we recommend avoiding using this type unless absolutely necessary due its poor compatibility with mobile devices among other issues.” 

Website Design Inspiration Vertical Navigation

Vertical navigation is a popular mobile navigation style, but it can also be used for desktop sites. Vertical menus are great for saving space and helping users find what they’re looking for quickly. Vertical navigation is especially useful for content-heavy sites that have many categories or sections to browse through. It allows you to pack in all the information your site needs without overwhelming visitors with too much at once (which could result in them leaving before reading any of it). 

Website Design Inspiration Animation & Video Backgrounds

Animation and video backgrounds are a great way to add interest to your site. They can be used to engage visitors, create a sense of movement and flow through the site, or simply make it look more visually appealing. Animation is often used as an overlay over other content on a website–for example, as an animated counter for social media shares or likes on Facebook. 

Animations can also be used in other ways: for example, you might want to show off some new products by animating them when someone hovers over them on your homepage (this is known as “hover animation”). Video backgrounds are similar but have more impact because they take up more space than simple animations do; therefore, they’re ideal if you have something important or exciting to share with users (such as an announcement). 

Website Design Inspiration Non-White Backgrounds

The use of black, grey, or white backgrounds can give your website a clean look that is easy on the eyes. The use of textured background images creates an interesting visual experience for users to explore while they browse through your site’s pages. The use of full-screen backgrounds will allow you to highlight certain parts of your content by placing them in the foreground while everything else fades into the background (literally). Solid colors are great if you want something simple but elegant looking at the same time; they’re also perfect if what you’re selling isn’t tied down by any particular aesthetic style because these colors will match most styles easily! 

Plainer options such as plain white parchment paper would work well when designing websites where accuracy matters more than anything else; these types tend not only to provide accurate information but also look very professional due to their simplicity which makes them ideal for businesses who need reliable information presented in an easy way without being distracted by unnecessary details like patterns or textures found elsewhere around town. 


In conclusion, website design is a complex process that involves many elements. The good news is that you don’t have to be an expert in every one of them! You can still create a great website by focusing on one or two aspects at a time and learning about them as you go along.